Why Man and Woman Are Not Equal
by Glenn T. StantonMan and woman are not equal. He owes what he is to her. That is hardly her only power, but it is among her most formidable. Continue Reading »
Man and woman are not equal. He owes what he is to her. That is hardly her only power, but it is among her most formidable. Continue Reading »
How Natural Family Planning taught me that the body is not a problem. Continue Reading »
Institutions offering separate women-only swim hours demonstrate that they seek to include in their community people from many different cultures, faiths, and traditions, representing a range of values, beliefs, and experiences. They embrace pluralism rather than impose secularism. Continue Reading »
Eggs Benedict Option: Saving Western Civilization over Brunch
Ten Espadrilles That Scream Gender Realism
And Many More! Continue Reading »
When Pope Francis announced his willingness to appoint a commission to study whether women can serve as deacons in the Catholic Church, my first thought was: Here we go!And sure enough, FutureChurch, the liberal Catholic organization that has subtly pushed for the ordination of women to the hitherto . . . . Continue Reading »
It would happen the same way every time.A few tough-looking guys would show up on the doorstep of a new business. They came offering “protection services” for a certain fee as a most generous favor to the owner. These services were necessary, it would be explained, because this was a “bad . . . . Continue Reading »
Several weeks back there was a bit of a dust-up in conservative Reformed Protestant circles over the following simple question: Does being a man or a woman have any ethical significance for the way we live together in civil society? Despite the success of feminism in radically reworking gender roles . . . . Continue Reading »
In “Adoption, Abortion and a Message of Hope,” J.D. Flynn makes an important point: the choice to place a child for adoption is a heroic sacrifice, borne in suffering, which we must always acknowledge and honor. As adoptive parents, my husband and I wholeheartedly embrace this truth. As I have . . . . Continue Reading »
Some months back, I made a plea—that the Church not yield on withholding the Eucharist from divorced and remarried Catholics. I wrote briefly of my own Catholic conversion, which has left me, as a divorced and remarried woman, unable to receive. I mentioned that my husband and I hoped to be granted a decree of nullity. Now we have received word that we are approximately six weeks from the end.At this post-Obergefell moment, and with my annulment in view—and on the eve of the anniversary of Pope Paul VI's great encyclical, Humanae Vitae—I wish to make two proposals to the Church and to my American Catholic brothers and sisters.First, let us embrace Humanae Vitae in word and deed. Second, let us embrace a renewal of celibacy. Continue Reading »
A Call to Action: Women, Religion, Violence, and Power by jimmy carter simon & schuster, 224 pages, $16 This book, Jimmy Carter’s latest, reads with all the intensity of a lullaby to liberal orthodoxy. Presenting a sympathetic face to the myriad forms of suffering that women experience in the . . . . Continue Reading »