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Why Pluralism Needs Monism

“Vatican II,” George Weigel writes in Freedom and Its Discontents, “posed a basic challenge to the many monisms, religious and secular, ancient and modern, that continue to beset human life and the cause of human freedom.” The Council mounted this challenge to the monistic cast of . . . . Continue Reading »

Briefly Noted

The Democracy Reader: Classic And Modern Speeches, Essays, Poems, Declarations And Documents On Freedom And Human Rights Worldwide edited by Diane Ravitch and Abigail Thernstrom  HarperCollins, 330 pages, $35  A very useful anthology of almost a hundred readings. Regrettably, the . . . . Continue Reading »

Briefly Noted

With so many translations and study aids available, clergy and literate laity must from time to time make a decision about which edition of the Bible to adopt as their daily working edition. The Oxford Study Bible is a very strong candidate indeed. Its chief merit is the accuracy and . . . . Continue Reading »

God and the Economists

Reaching for Heaven on Earth: The Theological Meaning of Economics by Robert H. Nelson Rowman and Littlefield, 378 pages, $24.95 For those unfamiliar with the historical emergence of the discipline of economics, it may seem that the subject matter of Robert Nelson’s book—the interplay . . . . Continue Reading »

Mere Christianity

Faith and Faithfulness: Basic Themes in Christian Ethics by Gilbert Meilaender University of Notre Dame Press, 211 pages, $22.95 This veteran of forty years of teaching no longer selects books for courses that fit into some tightly conceived outline but rather picks classics—or worthy . . . . Continue Reading »

Protestants and Natural Law

It is a longstanding commonplace in Christian thought that Protestantism distinguishes its moral theology from that of Roman Catholicism by its rejection of natural law. The idea of natural law has long formed the spinal column of Catholic social teaching. Modern Protestantism, by contrast, has no . . . . Continue Reading »

A Guide to Barth

How to Read Karl Barth: The Shape of His Theologyby George HunsingerOxford University Press, 298 pages, $32.50 There are two types of guidebook to a major gallery. One is designed for the occasional visitor who wants to find his way about with minimal effort and wishes to emerge with a general . . . . Continue Reading »

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