The After Party, a forthcoming program led by Curtis Chang and developed with David French and Russell Moore, offers pastors and small groups a curriculum “reframing Christian political identity from today’s divisive partisan options.” It is funded by secular left-wing foundations. Continue Reading »
The Ulmas are relevant exemplars of how to maintain one’s humanity and decency amidst the demoralization of war, which, in 2024, continues to rage in the Holy Land, Ukraine, and Nagorno-Karabakh. Continue Reading »
In the case of faithful servant George Pell, Jesus's words were proved shockingly true: “If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you,” and also “Well done, good and trustworthy servant, come and join in your master’s happiness.” Continue Reading »
In the last seventy years, the Chinese Communist party has embarked on countless experiments that have left its subjects exhausted, which has lead to a rise in religious faith. Continue Reading »
There was President Gay, trying to save herself by an appeal to “my truth,” while Jimmy was risking life imprisonment at a Stalinesque show trial because he had courageously borne witness to the truth. Continue Reading »
Joe Mahoney, like so many other good men, believed in, and fought for, and sustained by the witness of his life his country’s best ideals. Continue Reading »