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I Want To Burden My Loved Ones

Recently I was a speaker and panel member at a small educational workshop on “advance directives” sponsored by the ethics committee of our local hospital. The workshop was an opportunity to provide information about, and discuss the relative merits of, living wills and durable powers of attorney . . . . Continue Reading »

Why the News Makes Us Dumb

Strange as it may seem in a country positively flooded with the commodity, we don’t always understand what News is. News is what has happened since yesterday’s paper or broadcast. It is that daily budget of information that a person needs in order to be “informed,” to feel tuned in . . . . Continue Reading »

The Constitution and the Erotic Self

The history books tell us that Gavrilo Princip, the Serbian nationalist who shot and killed Austrian Archduke Francis Ferdinand in 1914 at Sarajevo, started World War I by providing the occasion, or excuse, for the release of long-smoldering political tensions and ambitions. Thus can small trickles . . . . Continue Reading »


I It took him 20 years to reach the top,but he made it, CEO, a winner, just what his mom always wanted. Thinnerthan his brothers, tougher, he’d never stopuntil he’d earned more in a year than allhis frat mates earned together all their lives, until his parents, brothers, and their wivesadmitted . . . . Continue Reading »

Editorial: What Can Be Asked of a Judge

A number of important questions touching on religion and public life were raised early on in connection with the nomination of Judge Clarence Thomas to the Supreme Court. One set of questions has to do with his Catholic background, the other with some public statements he has made regarding the role . . . . Continue Reading »

August/September Letters

Religion in the Public Square I found a number of the statements in the symposium “Judaism and American Public Life” (March) thoughtful and provocative. An important distinction, however, was left undrawn or at least inadequately drawn both by the classical separationists and by those whom we . . . . Continue Reading »

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