They say different things, is what they do. The knowing say Ryan failed us with facts and policy and no showmanship. They say Biden was all showmanship, but that’s what counts. The hoi polloi say Ryan was marvelous, controlled and respectful, as he battled two opponents, not . . . . Continue Reading »
Obama supporters have been whining that Romney “lied” his way to victory during the debate. It hasn’t stemmed the Romney “bounce” from the debate and that shouldn’t be a surprise. The lie gambit is lousy politics and lazy analysis. Saying that your guy lost the . . . . Continue Reading »
I hope you will all have seen the news breaking this morning prior to the meeting of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. I first saw it on Powerline, in a piece by John Hinderaker. Now, Paul Mirengoff of that site has a piece about leaking classified briefing . . . . Continue Reading »
We spent a few days in Bethesda, visiting our son and his lovely wife for an extended weekend, taking advantage of the early Columbus Day official holiday. (No wonder no one takes Columbus seriously, since his day of memorial wanders around the month like a boulevardier on a stroll.) . . . . Continue Reading »
1. So Romney is now .7% ahead of Obama in the RCP average. By way of comparison, John Kerry (who was running to unseat an incumbent of comparable job approval ratings) never led and never got closer than 1.7% to Bush in the post convention period. Bush ended up winning the popular vote by 2.4%. . . . . Continue Reading »
1. I don’t know how to write a book, but if I were to write a book on the 2012 primary season, it would argue something like this: Critics of the Republican “base” considered Republicans to be invincibly ignorant, easily manipulated yokels and many of the candidates for the . . . . Continue Reading »
One of the things I like to keep in mind is Ross Douthat’s observation that “There are multiple rights and lefts, and multiple middles as well.” One thing sort of irked about the observations that Romney had gone to the center in his debate with Obama. There was some truth to that . . . . Continue Reading »
So I just finished watching the first 65 minutes or so of the debate, and here are my thoughts, 1. This was the character Romney should have been playing all along - Romney at his best is a less affable and empathic (but more personally decent) Bill Clinton. A big part of Clinton’s appeal is . . . . Continue Reading »
And I doubt that I’m even watching the debate tonight. I have to be up in the morning. 1. Read this Reihan Salam piece. Find the sophisticated jab at Obama’s bitter clinger comment. Just deadly in so many ways. 2. I keep reading and hearing about how hard . . . . Continue Reading »
1. The polls still show a slight Obama edge. Some of the media outlet polls show a smaller Obama edge than the ones that came out last week, but the Rasmussen tracking poll has gone from a tie to a three point Obama lead. The result is that the RCP polling average has gone from a peak Obama lead of . . . . Continue Reading »