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The Unfair Burden On Tim Scott

There seems to be a fair amount of national interest in who will replace Jim DeMint in the Senate. A lot of this interest focuses on Representative Tim Scott. I remember people talking about who would be appointed to replace retiring Republican Senator Jim Ensign from Nevada. Whoever was appointed . . . . Continue Reading »

Some Questions About South Carolina

It seems likely to me that virtually any unobjectionable Republican who Nikki Haley might appoint would retain the Senate seat that is opening up with Jim DeMint’s retirement.  And if Haley’s likely Senate appointees are ideologically similar (and judging from their . . . . Continue Reading »

Careless Consumerism

When the Supreme Court upheld the Affordable Care Act, relieved supporters happily looked forward to implementing the law over the next several years, while infuriated opponents vowed to repeal the law, even as some states refuse to implement its Medicaid and other . . . . Continue Reading »

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