The last week has been sort of depressing when it comes to intra-Republican economic politics. You had the RNC report that ignored the public’s problematic perception of the Republicans as the party of the rich while implicitly blaming social conservatives and explicitly blaming opponents of . . . . Continue Reading »
So super-commenter Caleb Verbois and I were talking about why it is that politically suicidal tax plans like Herman Cain’s nine-nine-nine plan get any traction among Republicans. We agreed that some of it had to do with the misappropriation of Reagan nostalgia, but I didn’t find that . . . . Continue Reading »
Here is a report that describes (among other things) the declining wages of lower-skilled males. It should haunt you for a little while. Here is the Wall Street Journal praising hero-of-the-moment Rand Paul’s proposal for an expanded guest worker program. Paul is also in . . . . Continue Reading »
I’m under the weather and not feeling well (or at least that is the story I’m going with), 1. This is progress. Rich Lowry notes that the divide between the Republican “establishment” and the “grassroots” is going nowhere. Conservatives and the rest of America are being badly served and . . . . Continue Reading »
I’m On The Square again and I’m talking about how the RNC “autopsy” gets the balance wrong between immigration reform and economic policy it its analysis of why Republicans do so badly among nonwhites. . . . . Continue Reading »
I’ll have thoughts at length later, 1. It gets right that winning over a greater share of nonwhites is a years-long project rather than something that can be done in an election season. Minds change, but they change slowly and people have to hear from you a lot before they will trust you . . . . Continue Reading »
American liberals need conservatives to be racist as justification for resisting change to the status quo of our government in terms of social programs and “entitlement” spending. Does it follow that conservatives must be racist? Funny, I don’t feel racist. What brings this up? At . . . . Continue Reading »
I watched the CPAC speech from conservative donor and philanthropist Foster Friess. Friess said we have to learn from the left: They speak to the heart and the emotion. We have a tendency to speak to the brain and the intellect. I don’t think that is the problem. I think that conservatives do . . . . Continue Reading »
I want to like the new Ryan budget, but James Pethokoukis points out several of its problems. The new Ryan budget drops the top marginal income tax rate to twenty-five percent. That is lower than the top marginal tax rate proposed by Mitt Romney. Who outside of a mental institution believes that . . . . Continue Reading »
You should read this article by R. R. Reno. I’ll wait until you come back. He gets to the point in his first paragraph where he writes: Our political culture is now being shaped by liberals. Thats not because their ideas are sound. Theyre often not. But conservatives largely . . . . Continue Reading »