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Working Towards A Post-Thatcher Right

Interesting article by Megan McArdle on Thatcher. This part stuck out: But while what Thatcher did may have been necessary, there is another necessary task that has been left undone: building sustainable opportunities for the displaced. The mistake that Thatcher and Reagan made was to assume that . . . . Continue Reading »

My Favorite Sentence In Quite A While

Reihan Salam today: One of my fixations is that while it is certainly possible for one society to learn from another, it’s really important for policymakers to think hard about the historical context and institutional environment of the particular societies in which they operate. In the . . . . Continue Reading »

The Language of Addiction Takes Over

There was a period, shortly before the Bolshevik Revolution, when the history of the Russian temperance movement became thoroughly intertwined with the history of Russian social reform in general. “The history of the Russian temperance movement” may sound like a world’s-shortest-book joke, . . . . Continue Reading »

The Machiavellian Genius Of Rand Paul?

Just follow me here. On immigration, Rand Paul says: The main part of my plan is trust but verify that says we have to have border security. The Wall Street Journal reported about Rand Paul’s proposal for a huge new guest worker program: Kentucky Senator Rand Paul recently made a splash when . . . . Continue Reading »

Guns and Race

Yesterday, I read Juan Williams in the WSJ, Race and the Gun Debate.    Williams is looking at where the gun problem is in the United States.  He notes, “Gun-related violence and murders are concentrated among blacks and Latinos in big cities. Murders with guns are the No. 1 . . . . Continue Reading »

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