Friend of Postmodern Conservative Ken Masugi writes over at the Liberty Law blog that the biggest problem of the IRS scandal is not corruption within the Obama administration as such, or even problematic management by Obama and his political appointees. The problem is that elements of . . . . Continue Reading »
That’s my question for the day. From the NYT, quoting Eric Holder, who cannot be the most credible source this week, The F.B.I. is coordinating with the Justice Department to see if any laws were broken in connection with those matters related to the I.R.S., Mr. Holder told . . . . Continue Reading »
Karl Rove’s American Crossroads group has a new ad about Hillary Clinton and Benghazi. It isn’t bad for what it is, but the ad is a waste as anything other than a reminder (to donors) of the existence of American Crossroads. It is basically an attack ad for a presidential campaign that . . . . Continue Reading »
The following is a rush transcript of the October 18, 2013 edition of “Special Report with Bret Baier.” This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated. CHRIS WALLACE, HOST : Good evening. I’m Chris Wallace in for Bret Baier. Following stunning revelations that President . . . . Continue Reading »
The Obama administration sent Susan Rice out to lie when she said that the Benghazi attack was a “spontaneous” (with RPGs!) response to a YouTube clip. I just don’t think that foreign Muslims were the intended audience for the lie. The Obama administration could have groveled and . . . . Continue Reading »
I’ve never been able to get worked up about the Benghazi attack. I always thought that the refusal to order a prompt rescue mission was judgment call. The story cooked up that the attack was a response to a video was also pretty obviously a lie and a political attempt to prevent the story . . . . Continue Reading »
Yuval Levin has some eminently sensible suggestions for how to improve the Gang Of Eight’s immigration bill. Levin’s suggestions include mandating the near-term adoption of E-Verify for all employees, eliminating the guest worker program and shifting future immigration toward high-skill . . . . Continue Reading »
Ross Douthat is on a roll lately. He points out that the recent Oregon study indicates that expanding health care coverage isn’t the most cost effective way to improve the well being of the poor and lower middle-class. I would agree, but I would put the emphasis in different places, not . . . . Continue Reading »
Republicans can and should be both. If Republicans choose to be the party of high-earner self-interest, Democrats will end up making policy in the long-term. . . . . Continue Reading »
Over on twitter, Reihan Salam and Patrick Brennan were discussing a Matthew Yglesias post on the Koch brothers’ attempt to buy the Tribune line of newspapers. Yglesias is for it since he thinks that the Koch brothers buying the Tribune papers and turning them into conservative news outlets . . . . Continue Reading »