James Pethokoukis (who is usually one of my favorite bloggers) points to this study which argues that the US usually has a shortage of low-skill labor despite a thirty year decline in wages for low-skill workers. It turns out that even though the unemployment rate of workers with less than a high . . . . Continue Reading »
Last night my husband asked me the question I only briefly touched on in my last post; how does the tech support contracted to our government have so much access to national security data that it could do what Edward Snowden did? This morning, John Hinderaker is asking the same question in . . . . Continue Reading »
I seem to be conflicted about the Edward Snowden case. I have been trying to figure out how to write about it for many days. Today, I decided to write about how and why I seem to be conflicted, hoping to elicit responses that help me figure out the national dilemma on this topic. . . . . Continue Reading »
Reihan Salam points to some of the budgetary and political problems related to denying food and health care subsidies to those who would be getting amnesty. You will have millions of people (many very poor and in mixed-status families). These people will be connected to their communities and care . . . . Continue Reading »
1. This Pascal-Emmanuel Gobry post did not get enough attention when it came out. It has lots of good stuff. One especially important observation: the GOP’s lack of a middle-class agenda makes it easier for their opponents to portray them as the party of white identity . . . . Continue Reading »
One thing (though far from the only thing) that makes me look forward to Peter Lawler posts is that they often help crystallize my thoughts. Peter writes about talking to the New Atlantis guys about assimilation, but I’m not so worried about assimilation per se. As a general rule, America is . . . . Continue Reading »
Rubio is now willing to occasionally admit that his Gang of Eight immigration plan provides for amnesty first and border security and internal enforcement either later or never. Meanwhile, a Rubio advisor has been caught arguing for a larger low-skill guest worker program despite double . . . . Continue Reading »
Scott Galupo is right about Santorum’s speech. I was remiss not to link to it over the weekend. Good for Santorum for saying: One after another, they talked about the business they had built. But not a singlenot a single factory worker went out there . . . Not a single janitor, . . . . Continue Reading »