Prepping for an Amish Apocalypse
by K. E. ColombiniModern civilization has largely lost touch with the natural world and its practical arts; perhaps this is why we create so many apocalypse stories. Continue Reading »
Modern civilization has largely lost touch with the natural world and its practical arts; perhaps this is why we create so many apocalypse stories. Continue Reading »
An interview with Thomas Joseph White. Continue Reading »
However new space may be to humanity, we have not changed from the feeble creatures we always were. Continue Reading »
The Crisis of Modernityby augusto del nocetranslated by carlo lancellottimcgill-queens, 336 pages, $110 There is no greater ideologue, nor any more earnest in his self-delusion, than the pragmatist who thinks he is free of ideology. Our liberal elite is full of people whose unshakeable confidence in . . . . Continue Reading »
Modernity doesn’t have a single northern source. In some ways, the West is now catching up to Africa. Continue Reading »
Early modern Europeans freed themselves from the burdens of a corrupted medieval world by laughing at it. Continue Reading »
If there is hope to be found in this painful political year, it is in the fact that the spell which liberal modernity has long cast over the Christian imagination might finally be starting to dissolve even as technocracy tightens its grip on our everyday lives. Continue Reading »
The past is returning. Any return assumes a preceding departure. Perhaps, though, the past never left, and its absence will turn out to have been an illusion. Certain traits embedded in genes don’t manifest themselves for some time. That doesn’t mean they’ve disappeared, though; they’re . . . . Continue Reading »
Pluralism is often perceived as a threat to faith, associated with relativism and a loss of religious substance. I take a contrary position. It seems to me that pluralism is good for faith. For several years now, my work as a sociologist has circled around the phenomenon of pluralism. The result of . . . . Continue Reading »
For ancient philosophers, the dignity of contemplation lay in its fulfillment of our longing for truth. The architects of modern thought championed analysis for the sake of ever-greater power and security. The utopian island of Francis Bacon’s New Atlantis features a massive research facility for . . . . Continue Reading »