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A Sexual or Asexual Public Square?

Several weeks back there was a bit of a dust-up in conservative Reformed Protestant circles over the following simple question: Does being a man or a woman have any ethical significance for the way we live together in civil society? Despite the success of feminism in radically reworking gender roles . . . . Continue Reading »

A Look Back at Father’s Day

Many thanks to David Gibson at Pontifications for linking here, and also for mistaking me for The Anchoress, whom I am not (who I am not? who is not I? Ack, ack, call the grammar medics . . . ), but the compliment is all mine. That anyone would link to that schizophrenic Father’s Day post I . . . . Continue Reading »

Father’s Day Round-Up

The excellent Anchoress reminds me, and everyone else, that Father’s Day is coming, and that monk-roasted coffee makes a terrific gift. But what else? An uninspired gift-giver myself, I’ve often thought that the truly sane approach to Father’s Day would be to wait for some necktie . . . . Continue Reading »

Walking on Water: More Christian Shoes

Guy in striped shirt: “There I was, passed out on the beach, when these people came up and started witnessing to me. The next thing I knew, I was wearing these shoes . . . “So many styles to choose from! There’s the “Many Names of Jesus” lo-top (in pink!) Or what about . . . . Continue Reading »

Men and Women—Can We Be Friends?

In Xenophon’s Oeconomicus, Socrates and Critobulus are discussing household management, in which the wife plays a major role. The exchange goes this way: “Anyhow, Critobulus, you should tell us the truth, for we are all friends here. Is there anyone to whom you commit more affairs of . . . . Continue Reading »

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