Strangers and Friends By Michael Vasey. Hodder & Stoughton (London), 276 pages. Homosexuality and the Politics of Truth By Jeffrey Satinover. Baker, 281 pages, $17.99. The Truth About Homosexuality By John F. Harvey, OSFS. Ignatius, 368 pages, $17.95. Straight and Narrow? By Thomas E. Schmidt. . . . . Continue Reading »
In February of 1994, in what was its March issue, First Things published a statement on the homosexual movement signed by twenty-one people, of whom I was one. An excerpt from that statement was published in the Wall Street Journal on February 24. I do not intend here to rehearse the argument of . . . . Continue Reading »
I. The New Thing Homosexual behavior is a phenomenon with a long history, to which there have been various cultural and moral responses. But today in our public life there is something new, a novum, which demands our attention and deserves a careful moral response.The new thing is a movement that . . . . Continue Reading »
The Public Square The Nation is ecstatic. Its cover story “The Gay Moment” evinces high confidence that the media is right in declaring that we are now in “the gay nineties.” “Ten years ago there might have been one gay issue in the news every month or so,” says The Nation . “Now . . . . Continue Reading »
No Longer Exiles: The Religious New Right in American Politics edited by michael cromartie ethics and public policy center, 153 pages, $18.95 To list the participants in the discussions from which this book emergedis to recommend the book most highly: George Marsden, Grant Wacker, Robert Booth . . . . Continue Reading »
The journal Victorian Studies recently invited submissions for a special issue, entitled “Victorian Sexualities.” “Topics,” stated the call for papers, “may include (but certainly are not limited to) Victorian homosexualities; the erotics of dress and cross-dressing; sexuality and city . . . . Continue Reading »
President Clinton’s push to lift the ban on homosexuals in the military has been called many things: a waste of political capital, a declaration of war against biblical morality, a declaration of war against the warrior class. I call it calling a bluff. For decades, conservatives have celebrated . . . . Continue Reading »
The Public Square So it has come to this. Fifty-two years ago, the great Reinhold Niebuhr and a few associates launched Christianity & Crisis in order to counter what they viewed as the liberal sentimentalism of American Protestantism, a sentimentalism that was unwilling or unable to face up to the . . . . Continue Reading »
In response to many inquiries, we are pleased to report that Father Neuhaus continues to recover very satisfactorily from early January’s emergency surgery for colon cancer. As this issue goes to press, the usual battery of tests, plus exploration during surgery for the reversal of a temporary . . . . Continue Reading »
President Clinton’s decision to lift the ban against homosexuals in the military has opened a deep cultural divide in American public opinion that extends beyond the immediate issue to questions of morality, convention, and social order. Judging from the vituperation on the editorial pages and the . . . . Continue Reading »