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Notre Dame’s Deal with the Devil

Tim Kaine is a Harvard Law graduate, but he and other pro-choice Catholic politicians owe much to Notre Dame. As Matthew Franck has observed in First Things, Mario Cuomo’s 1984 “personally opposed but won’t impose” speech at the university was a “watershed moment” for pro-choice . . . . Continue Reading »


Human WrongsR. R. Reno, agreeing with Yuval Levin, believes we must rid ourselves of our nostalgia (“Public Square,” May). It is banal, of course, to suggest that we cannot live in the past. But is it nostalgic to yearn for a time when workers enjoyed a measure of security, families were intact, . . . . Continue Reading »

Dispatches of a Microaggression Scout

Welcome, everyone. I want to say a few things, in no particular order, as I don’t see hierarchy. Let me put my glasses on: 1. You belong here.2. This is a safe space. 3. No one is an expert; we are here to learn as we go. Before we get started, I’d like to ask you to fill out a privilege check. . . . . Continue Reading »

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