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Jesus was crucified

It’s obvious, I hope, that I’m writing here for people who say to themselves, “There is something irresistible about Jesus.” For some of you, that’s a point which you make into an ideological cathedral — a point of doctrine which lines up in an acronym that summarizes the faith, your faith. For others, it’s a nagging thought — as you work out your faith on your own, you keep coming back to this Jesus, and you can’t make sense of him all the way, but you also can’t accept everything he says because it seems somehow too hard to live that way, or too complex, or too simple, or merely out of your grid of experience. Continue Reading »

No “End Run” Around the Cross

Here is a graphic that, Rev. James Douthwaite, at St. Athanasius Lutheran Church in Vienna, Virginia, uses to explain how we should always factor in the Cross when we consider our relationship to God and His relationship to us. (A parishioner made this visual image.)So, in God’s relationship . . . . Continue Reading »

Our Day of Self-Atonement

Without a doubt a large number of white bloggers, both amateur and professional, can be found today, clicking away a post on how we ought to improve our attitudes toward our brothers and sisters of different a darker skin tone.  I would challenge these authors to take it one step further:  . . . . Continue Reading »

The God Who Provides

The beginning of a New Year is a time to reflect on God’s kindness and goodness to us, but we are often concerned and fearful about the future. What will happen this year? Will we make it through another trial? Can we survive another hard year?In the face of an uncertain future, our hope as . . . . Continue Reading »

Beauty, Spirit, and Evangelism

I’m not a poet. Actually, a more candid statement more accurately state that I’m just about as far removed from being a poet and possessing poetic sensibilities as one might get. When I read prose fiction, I don’t see words ... images and a sense of what transpires moves through my . . . . Continue Reading »

Brit Hume’s Worldview Critique

Even for Fox News, this is surprising, yet this is how every believer ought to be prepared to respond—telling the truth with meekness and gentleness. Likely, Brit Hume’s statement will be regarded as arrogant and closed-minded, but Buddhism doesn’t provide for the needs of . . . . Continue Reading »

His Name is Our Name

“In the same way that a wife shares together in the wealth of her husband, so that what is the husband’s is also the wife’s and, on the other hand, what is the wife’s is the husbands, so also all believers are partakers of all the wealth of God. They have all that He has . . . . Continue Reading »

O Holy Night (12) - Christ Is the Lord!

This is the final post in a twelve part devotional commentary on “O Holy Night.” See the introduction here.Christ is the Lord! O praise His Name forever,His power and glory Evermore proclaim.His power and glory Evermore proclaim.The carol ends on a note of proclamation, its fourth . . . . Continue Reading »

The Gospel and the Whole Christ

With some of the discussion regarding the gospel, I wanted to point out a recent post by Mark Jones titled “The Gospel and Sanctification.” Mark did his doctoral work on the Puritan Thomas Goodwin, so some of the essay references Goodwin’s work regarding the nature of the gospel. . . . . Continue Reading »

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