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What You May Not Know about First Things

You may have read Randy Boyagoda’s fine biography of Richard John Neuhaus, our fearless founder. You may know that First Things was begun in 1990 to explore questions of religion and society in the English-speaking world, and that the print journal comes out ten times a year. You might even have . . . . Continue Reading »

Consider Supporting First Things

I am not paid to write for the First Things blog. I write for it because I believe its vision and its voice are of vital importance at this time. In the public square, both left and right have generally degenerated to the level of shouting angry soundbites and indulging in bitter recrimination. The . . . . Continue Reading »

May the Conversation Continue

At almost every event we hold in the office of First Things, I end up speaking with a college student who expresses a deep gratitude for this magazine. I can relate.Throughout my undergraduate years, First Things provided a vantage point from which to understand the intellectual trends and fads that . . . . Continue Reading »

Can You Support First Things?

Dear Reader,We've launched our spring fundraising campaign. Some of you have received letters from me asking for your support. That's been a great way to reach our regular readers, but some connect with us the way I'm doing so right now—by way bits and bites. Thus my electronic solicitation. Our . . . . Continue Reading »

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