Assemblypersons Patti Berg and Lloyd Levine’s attempt to institute backdoor assisted suicide via “palliative sedation” just hit a big bump in the road: To get it out of a California Senate committee—they had to consent to their pet bill being gutted. From the California . . . . Continue Reading »
This is a crucial issue involving the assisted suicide debate. We have already seen in Oregon a woman denied coverage for chemotherapy to extend her life, but told that Medicaid will pay for her assisted suicide. Now, that scenario played out in the UK. The melting down NHS denied a chemotherapy . . . . Continue Reading »
ALS, called Lou Gehrig’s disease in the USA and motor neurone disease in the UK, is the bloody flag often waved by euthanasia activists as a reason to legalize mercy killing. “Of course he wants to die,” they will say. and then some will assert falsely and cruelly that death from . . . . Continue Reading »
Good news and bad news. An Australian jury has convicted two women who killed an Alzheimer’s patient. From the story: The Sydney jury found Shirley Justins guilty of manslaughter and Caren Jenning guilty of being an accessary to manslaughter for the euthanasia drug death of former Qantas pilot . . . . Continue Reading »
By Alex SchadenbergI read an excellent article by Marilyn Golden in the Capitol Weekly online explaining why California’s Bill AB 2747 that is sponsored by Patti Berg needs to be defeated.Marilyn Golden is a Policy Analyst at the Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund (DREDF) which is . . . . Continue Reading »
By Jennifer LahlA friend sent me the link to this news story the other day. In this Culture of Death, I never ceased to be amazed with the miraculous. This story highlights, yet another person, not quite dead yet, who suddenly and amazingly woke up. Her family said their good byes, and had pulled . . . . Continue Reading »
For shame! Assemblywoman Patti Berg and Assemblyman Lloyd Levine are at it again in the California Legislature. Soon to be term limited out of office, desperate to pass a bill—any bill— that will open the door to assisted suicide/euthanasia, thwarted in their desire by a powerful and . . . . Continue Reading »
The most robust opponents of assisted suicide—and the most effective in my view—are disability rights advocates. They understand well that legalizing assisted suicide is a gun aimed at their hearts. An opinion column by one Ian Mulgrew of the Vancouver Sun underscores the threat. He . . . . Continue Reading »
A lot can be made of a new Gallop Poll about assisted suicide and euthanasia. When asked if assisted suicide is morally acceptable, 48% say yes and 44% say no. That is very close to the AP poll I posted about the other day.Then Gallop asks a question which seems to me intended to heighten the . . . . Continue Reading »
There is a proposal in Russia to permit euthanasia. One opponent. a doctor and member of the Duma, warns that legalizing euthanasia would be a way of “seizing organs:” From the story:If a law allowing euthanasia appears in Russia, the risk of criminal seizure of human organs sharply . . . . Continue Reading »