The New York Times, maybe not unsurprisingly, recruits subscribers through college emails with the offer of limited free access. Today’s offering, from the cover of Sunday’s Book Review brought the headline, Sex and God at Yale , by Nathan Harden, from a review titled, . . . . Continue Reading »
A look at the new adultery, which is the old adultery seen through the wink and nod. You or I, if conservative, might think that such a thing undermines marriage, but, author Catherine Hakim insists not, that adultery should be retitled something like a playfair or an . . . . Continue Reading »
I have to agree with Peter Lawler about the resentment younger generations might rightly feel towards Baby Boomers. However, I ask if Baby Boomers weren’t equally screwed by the Greatest Generation? Through Social Security and Medicare, that generation got back far more than it . . . . Continue Reading »
Coolidge didn’t actually say that first part. What he said was this, There does not seem to be cause for alarm in the dual relationship of the press to the public, whereby it is on one side a purveyor of information and opinion and on the other side a purely business enterprise. Rather, . . . . Continue Reading »
Yesterday, I received this sad email that I copy in below. I append my response below it. Kate - I served as a Lance Corporal in the Marines for over three years. During that time, I was raped twice and sexually assaulted twice more. It happened so often that I assumed it must be normal. . . . . Continue Reading »
No Child Left Behind is one of those laws made like a Bismarckian sausage. The more the public knew what was in it, the more unappealing it was and difficult to swallow, politically. The idea of some such legislation was proposed by President George W. Bush in January of 2001. . . . . Continue Reading »
In a decision that will upset some military men I know, the Supreme Court finds that it is constitutional to lie about yourself. The case centered on Xavier Alvarez, a water-district board member in California, who was convicted of falsely claiming to be a Medal of Honor recipient. A federal . . . . Continue Reading »
It is the right thing to do. Listening to the questions and doubts of those who are struggling with belief in God, the nature of scripture, doctrine or how to think about the subject matter of the culture wars. No one truly begrudges the spiritual journey of another. But seriously, I think . . . . Continue Reading »
Back, some thirty years ago, as a diversion from my college studies, I would sit on the floor of the stacks at Columbia University’s Butler Library and read old magazines, among those, The New Yorker . My father is still a devoted reader and gave a gift subscription this year. . . . . Continue Reading »
Kay Hymowitz is writing about modern marriage gone wrong, again, referencing Charles Murray in her essay, “American Caste”, over at City Journal. She pulls in the findings of the Pew Economic Mobility Project, which reports that, “42 percent of American children whose . . . . Continue Reading »