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The Real John Courtney Murray

The Search for an American Public Theology: The Contribution of John Courtney Murray by robert w. mcelroy paulist press, 216 pages, $10.95  The Ethics of Discourse: The Social Philosophy of John Courtney Murray by j. leon hooper georgetown university press, 283 pages, $17.95  . . . . Continue Reading »

Should Politics Be Sacralized?

Twin Powers: Politics and the Sacred by thomas molnar eerdmans, 147 pages, $9.95 One of the most distinctive features of post-Enlightenment Western culture is its desacralization of the cosmos, the flip side of secularism. Not only has daily life been transformed by science—for example, we no . . . . Continue Reading »

Liberalism and Catholicism

A number of commentators— among them David Hollenbach, John Langan, and myself—have argued that the American Catholic Bishops' pastoral letters, and even the Pope's recent encyclicals, represent in some important ways a rapprochement with liberal ideas and . . . . Continue Reading »

Liberalism and Catholicism

A number of commentators— among them David Hollenbach, John Langan, and myself—have argued that the American Catholic Bishops' pastoral letters, and even the Pope's recent encyclicals, represent in some important ways a rapprochement with liberal ideas and . . . . Continue Reading »

Catholicism in America

Catholicism and the Renewal of American Democracy by george weigel paulist press, 218 pages, $11.95 Forty years ago, Evelyn Waugh wrote a piece for Life magazine entitled “The American Epoch in the Catholic Church.” In a manner only mildly condescending and with controlled admiration . . . . Continue Reading »

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