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"Ethical" Fois Gras

Animal rights activists have tried to shut down the fois gras business in many paces around the world because it allegedly abuses ducks and geese to force feed them, the purpose of which is to fatten up their livers, creating the richness of the fois gras product. Of course, the force feeding is not . . . . Continue Reading »

Wild Moralists in the Animal Kingdom

The Public Square Prejudice gets a very bad press, but one cannot live without it. On numerous questions, we have all made judgments that are “pre” our present encounter with the question. “No, thank you, I do not care for broccoli; and no, I’m not interested in revisiting the question.” . . . . Continue Reading »

Every Sparrow that Falls

Rain Without Thunder: The Ideology of the Animal Rights Movement by Gary L. Francione Temple University Press, 366 pages, $59.95 cloth, $22.95 Anyone whose image of the animal rights movement is one of nasty-tempered radicals who bomb laboratories and spray paint on fur coats will be in for a . . . . Continue Reading »

May Letters

The AIDS Debate Although basically an enthusiastic reader of First Things, I find the editors’ incessant bashing of the liberal straw man somewhat tedious. At times it seems that polemical zeal overtakes astute social commentary. One prime example of this [unfortunate] manner of social analysis . . . . Continue Reading »

Animal Rights, Human Rights

The power of the movement for animal rights—a movement that until recently was located for most people on the edge of the ridiculous—can no longer be denied. Abetted by both the “rights revolution” and the increasingly powerful environmental cause, the old collection of vegetarians . . . . Continue Reading »

Animal Rights, Human Rights

The power of the movement for animal rights—a movement that until recently was located for most people on the edge of the ridiculous—can no longer be denied. Abetted by both the “rights revolution” and the increasingly powerful environmental cause, the old collection of vegetarians . . . . Continue Reading »

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