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Matthew Schmitz is a former senior editor of First Things. 

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MLK on Faith and Science

From First Thoughts

Martin Luther King, Jr. makes a point that has been forgotten by some of his political heirs: Science investigates; religion interprets. Science gives man knowledge which is power; religion gives man wisdom which is control. Science deals mainly with facts; religion deals mainly with values.The two . . . . Continue Reading »

Schwenkler on Reno & Libertarianism

From First Thoughts

Over at Commonweal , John Schwenkler takes R.R. Reno’s side in yesterday’s debate over libertarianism: As Reno points out, the WSJ ’s blinkered focus on the role of tax policy in encouraging economic growth assumes a social policy of its own, one according to which GDP is the sole . . . . Continue Reading »

The Politics of Persecution

From First Thoughts

John Allen tries to knock down the assumption that today’s widespread persecution of Christians, perhaps the most pressing issue in global religious freedom, should be a matter of indifference to the American left: One thinks, for instance, of the famous martyrs of the liberation theology . . . . Continue Reading »

Derek Parfit’s Misguided Perspective

From First Thoughts

Philip Kitcher reviews Derek Parfit’s On What Matters in the New Republic : It stands as a grand and dedicated attempt to elaborate a fundamentally misguided perspective. Its diligence and its honesty command respect. Perhaps these real virtues will set standards for very different ventures . . . . Continue Reading »

First Links — 1.17.12

From First Thoughts

God Matters: Ethical Theory and Divine Law Matthew O’Brien, Public Discourse Tolstoy: Saint or Crank? Brooke Allen, Review In Search of Serendipity Ian Leslie, Intelligent Life Hannah Arendt’s Destructive Legacy Sol Stern, City Journal King’s Theology of Action Robert Vischer, . . . . Continue Reading »

Who Gets to Use MLK’s Legacy?

From First Thoughts

It’s striking how much we continue to argue over Martin Luther King’s legacy. Long after his death, and despite his own mixed success in using his prestige to battle poverty and oppose the Vietnam War, Dr. King continues to be enlisted in every new political struggle, especially the . . . . Continue Reading »

First Links 1.16.12

From First Thoughts

MLK’s Philosophical Legacy Justin Dyer and Kevin Stuart, Public Discourse Natural Rights and Civil Rights William Allen, Witherspoon Institute Public Health Benefits of Pro-Life Laws Michael J. New, National Review The Foundations of Modern Tyranny David Theroux, The Beacon What Makes Norman . . . . Continue Reading »

First Links — 1.12.12

From First Thoughts

Improving Our Sunday Best  Duane Litfin, Christianity Today Mormons Worry About Acceptance but Embrace Difference Michelle Boorstein, Washington Post Putting Nuns on the Pill Matthew Hanley, Catholic Thing European Identities and Immigration Pt. II Francis Fukuyama, American Interest Ten Years . . . . Continue Reading »

The Administration’s Embarrassment

From First Thoughts

Good news from the Supreme Court today, with a unanimous (but by no means sweeping) ruling upholding the rights of religious groups to hire and fire their ministers. Over at Bench Memos, Rick Garnett pops champagne: Sometimes the news from 1 First Street is really, really good. Today, the Supreme . . . . Continue Reading »