Saturday, April 1 12:00 - 12:00 am

Faithful Subscriber Book Offer

R. R. Reno

First Things Editorial Office, 9 East 40th Street, 10th Floor New York, NY 10016

As Rusty noted in the April 2023 issue’s “While We’re At It,” we are pleased to offer you, as a long-time subscriber to First Things, a complimentary copy of editor R. R. Reno’s new book, The End of Interpretation: Reclaiming the Priority of Ecclesial Exegesis, as well as a Reader of First Things bumper magnet for your car or refrigerator. To claim your copy and/or magnet, please fill out the form below. Thank you for your faithful readership of First Things!

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to Carter Skeel, Director of Development, at or 212-627-1985.


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