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Recycling the Same Old Same Old

Those demeaning John Paul’s intellectual and moral heroism in a lame attempt to defend the Liquid Catholicism that has proven an evangelical failure everywhere are examples of intellectual exhaustion and evangelical cowardice in the face of woke cultural aggression. Continue Reading »

Greetings from the Rainbow Reich

The Rainbow Reich and its agenda of cultural deregulation is the natural partner to the most ambitious programs of economic deregulation, which is why corporate American embraces it. Both destroy protections of the weakest and most vulnerable in the name of “freedom.” Continue Reading »

A Matter of Holiness

There can be no lasting concordat, no real peace treaty, between a genuinely holy people and Church on the one hand, and a world of material excess, destructive sexuality, exploitation of the poor, and industrial-scale homicide of unborn children on the other.    Continue Reading »



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