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RJN: 11.29.05 In the Washington…

In the Washington Post ( November 18 ), Michael Kinsley returns to the complexity of abortion politics. “Machiavellians of my acquaintance believe that it is the anti-abortion folks who are getting conned. The last thing in the world that Republican strategists want is repeal of Roe . If . . . . Continue Reading »

RJN: 11.28.05 I have said…

I have said that the silly season in Catholic liturgical practices is now passing. It is not definitively past. Witness this suggested “Prayer of the Faithful” for Thanksgiving Day published by Pueblo in New York and found on the Catholic World Report website. We are assured this is not . . . . Continue Reading »

RJN: 11.24.05 Thanksgiving Day…

Thanksgiving Day. The little community of which I’m part doesn’t have a Thanksgiving dinner. We disperse to the homes of friends and families. I go to a dinner with New York priests, hosted by a bishop at an Italian gun club. It’s great fun and not as sinister as it sounds. . . . . Continue Reading »

JB: 11.22.05 There’s a set…

There’s a set of English town names that sound more like settings for P.G. Wodehouse comedies or Agatha Christie mysteries than real places¯Bishop’s Waltham, for instance, a little place in Hampshire where Ivy Smith was baptized this month. I mention this only because she was 101 . . . . Continue Reading »

JB: 11.19.05

Liberté, égalité, fraternité is the motto of the French Republic, but the fraternité seems to have gone up in the smoke of burning cars over the last few weeks. And so the French government has appointed a commission to see whether another distinctive mark of . . . . Continue Reading »

RJN: 11.18.05 As Allen Hertzke…

As Allen Hertzke spelled out recently in FIRST THINGS (see "The Shame of Darfur," October), one of the great changes of recent years has been the determination of evangelical Protestants in this country to get serious about human rights, and about religious freedom in particular. Michael . . . . Continue Reading »



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