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RJN 12.26.05 This is the second…

This is the second day of Christmas, and also the day of St. Stephen, proto-martyr. Never mind that the traditional twelve days of Christmas have been tossed into a cocked hat by our venerable betters in cone hats who decided that Epiphany, January 6, is to be observed on the nearest Sunday. This . . . . Continue Reading »

SB: 12.23.05 One often hears…

One often hears it said that modern science has adopted a methodology that takes no account of teleology and final causation. This is taken to be a point against teleology by some and against modern science by others. It is true that Bacon, Descartes, and many others who have philosophized about . . . . Continue Reading »

JB 12.21.05 Somewhere along…

Somewhere along a career misspent in journalism, I seem to have gotten assigned the Christmas beat. I’ve written about Christmas food, Christmas music, Christmas books, Christmas poetry, Christmas church services, Christmas toys, Christmas . . . Christmas . . . Christmas . . . Most of them . . . . Continue Reading »

RJN 12.22.05 While the ACLU…

While the ACLU and Americans United for a Naked Public Square were holding a press conference that was described as a “victory party,” others were more carefully reading the court decision in the Dover, Pennsylvania, case about Intelligent Design. There is, for instance, this by William . . . . Continue Reading »

JB: 12.22.05 One Christmas topic…

One Christmas topic I’ve never written about is Christmas movies—mostly because I just don’t know very much about them. Here, however, are a few films I’ve rented this week and hope to watch between Christmas and New Year’s. I may have made a mistake or two in the . . . . Continue Reading »

SB: 12.21.05 Every academic…

Every academic knows how completely in thrall to identity politics and quotas our universities are. I heard a refreshing comment on this recently at a physics research talk. The speaker was a scientist originally from the Soviet Union, now at an American university famous for its liberalism and . . . . Continue Reading »

RJN 12.20.05 Cal Thomas…

Cal Thomas, whose column runs neck-to-neck with George Will’s as the most widely syndicated in the country, enters a dissent from the current “Christmas wars.” Thomas doesn’t give a fig whether the salesperson in the mall wishes him “Merry Christmas” or . . . . Continue Reading »

JB: 12.20.05 There was a woman…

There was a woman screaming on Park Avenue yesterday morning, flecks of furious saliva spraying from her twisted mouth as she raged into her cell phone, "It’s not my fault." Over and over, like the high-pitched squeal of a power saw cutting brick: It’s not my fault and a run . . . . Continue Reading »

RPG: 12.14.05 The question is…

The question is: How do immigrants become Americans? Now, I cannot claim any expertise on questions of immigration policy. I have not explored the vast bodies of literature in sociology, political science, history, and economics devoted to questions of immigration in the United States. Nor have I . . . . Continue Reading »



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