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Put Down the Woke Man's Burden

A leader needs the ability to champion an institution’s goals in reasonable, moral terms that can win approbation from both subordinates and outsiders. Bad conduct, incompetent speech, neglect of institutional goods, pursuit of private or factional interests—all of that dishonors and dispirits the whole enterprise. Continue Reading »

What Vin Scully Taught Me

Vin showed us, in the scaled-down cosmos of the baseball field, what it means to be an excellent practitioner of the art of baseball—and thereby, helped us understand something between the foul lines that we couldn’t see in our tabloids and tablets: virtue.  Continue Reading »

“Matthew 25 Catholics”?

The implication of declaring oneself a “Matthew 25 Catholic” is that supporting a broad range of social services for the poor and needy, welcoming the immigrant, and ticking all the other boxes on the Biden/Pelosi Democrats’ domestic policy agenda constitutes a moral “get out of jail free” card that can be played, first with the electorate, and then, presumably, with the Lord. Continue Reading »



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