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Short Hiatus

I am traveling to the UK to speak and debate on euthansia and assisted suicide. I’ll be gone a week. Secondhand Smoke will return upon my return. Thanks to those who visit here regularly for your interest in my . . . . Continue Reading »

More on the PETA Non Apology "Apology"

I wrote a piece about it at NRO. Here is the actual statement from Ingrid Newkirk. Know this: PETA literally believes that eating meat is equivalent to participating in death camps, and that cattle farming is the same morally as the old slave plantations. PETA is not about animal welfare, which . . . . Continue Reading »

Man Awakens and Speaks After 10 Years

Gee, some people are connecting this story of the unexpected improvement of a profoundly cogntively impaired man with the Terri Schiavo case. Wonder why? Perhaps it is because if this fellow had been treated the way Michael Schiavo treated Terri, he wouldn’t have been alive to enjoy his . . . . Continue Reading »

NAS’s Ethical Guidelines Miss the Mark

As I wrote earlier, the NAS has developed Guidelines to govern embryonic stem cell research and therapeutic human cloning. In actuality, these voluntary and unenforceable guidelines would limit little that can be done today. In essence, they are a PR cover for anything goes. This is my extended take . . . . Continue Reading »

And Yet Another Adult Stem Cell Success

This time, adult stem cells taken from dead donors restored sight in the living. It turned out that the actual healing was accomplished by the patients’ own cells, not those that were implanted. Note the potential implications: Nadey Hakim, a consultant surgeon at St Mary’s Hospital, . . . . Continue Reading »

This is What Schiavo Was Really All About

Terri Schiavo was supposedly dehydrated to death because she supposedly told Michael Schiavo that she would not want to be maintained in an incapacitated condition. The evidence of her “choice” was extremely weak but deemed sufficient enough for courts to justify their death orders. But . . . . Continue Reading »

Council of Europe Rejects Euthanasia

The Council of Europe has rejected calls to permit euthanasia. Interesting, that this AP story was not reported widely in the U.S. I had to go to Pravda, for gosh sakes, to get the story. Not surprisingly, when the General Assembly called by a margin of almost 3-1 for member states to outlaw all . . . . Continue Reading »



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