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Re: A Muslim Converts

Spengler wrote in this space on Monday about how, at the Easter Vigil at St. Peter’s Basilica, Pope Benedict XVI baptized and received into the Catholic Church Magdi Allam, an Egyptian-born author and critic of Islamic fundamentalism. Just last week, Osama bin Laden had rather absurdly . . . . Continue Reading »

"Pregnant Man" Isn’t a Man

There has been some twitter about a “man” who has become pregnant. Assuming the story is genuine, and I have my doubts, the man isn’t a man. Biologically, she’s a transgendered woman who became a man under the law and is married as a man under the law. Because his wife has . . . . Continue Reading »

Nebraska Rejects Human Cloning Research

Nebraska has easily passed into law a ban on any state funding of human cloning research and banning any state facility from doing human SCNT. From the story:The measure prohibits the use of state money or facilities for creating or destroying embryos for stem cell research using a technique . . . . Continue Reading »

Brown Allows Free Vote Over Embryo Bill

Under intense pressure from the Catholic Church and others, Prime Minister Gordon Brown is allowing a free vote on the notorious embryo bill, that we first discussed the here at SHS a few days ago. From the story: Mr Brown agreed to let Labour MPs vote according to—conscience, rather than the . . . . Continue Reading »

RE: Remembering Our College Days

Jody Bottum referred to the old story of the Holy Cross alumni magazine that showed an FBI agent leading away in handcuffs a priest at an anti-Vietnam protest—with both identified by their graduation years from the school. He treated the story as possibly apocryphal, but it is, in fact, true. . . . . Continue Reading »

Manhattan without Those Bankers

A good line from Megan McArdle of The Atlantic Monthly regarding a piece in the New York Times which quotes people happy about the potential decline of New York’s real estate market: This is perhaps why I have so little sympathy for the princes of schadenfreude in this New York Times article . . . . Continue Reading »

Move Over, Popemobile

This, ladies and gentlemen, could be the Official Papal Skateboard. I wish I could just leave it at that, but you probably want to know exactly how the papacy will, after 2,000 years, finally get its own board. Some time last week, I saw that the Archdiocese of New York was having a contest for . . . . Continue Reading »



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