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Joan Collins is Right

I have long worried about our celebrity-crazed culture and how it celebrates dysfunction and brings ruin to hyper-celebrities and average people alike. Rather than challenging us to greater levels of virtue, service and achievement—that is, to the greater exercise of human . . . . Continue Reading »

Is Richard Dawkins a Raelian?

This is rich: Richard Dawkins—whose official website claims modestly to be “a clear thinking oasis”—made an incredible statement in the new movie Expelled, asserting that it is “an intriguing possibility” that space aliens “seeded” life here on Planet . . . . Continue Reading »

On Sparrows’ Wings

In the Easter issue of Dappled Things , a magazine devoted to the artistic and cultural life of young Catholics in America, First Things contributor Matthew Milliner writes on how Catholics can renew the world of contemporary art. Playing off the title of Joseph Bottum’s article ” When . . . . Continue Reading »



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