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Papal Music

One of the best bits of reporting I’ve seen during the coverage of the Holy Father’s visit is this fantastic Hank Stuever piece in the Washington Post . It’s an exposé on the giant clash within the American Catholic Church—is schism too strong a word?—over . . . . . . Continue Reading »

Rallying for the Pope

For those in the New York area this weekend, here are two events to put on the calendar: 1. Friday: Papal Candlelight Vigil , 9:00 pm - 12:00 am, 5th Ave at 72nd Street. The Archdiocese will provide 1000 candles for the faithful outside the Pope’s window. I wouldn’t be surprised if he . . . . Continue Reading »

Abortion as "Art"—a Hoax

Update: I am not surprised that the story turned out not to be true. From the story: The story about Aliza Shvarts’ project, published Thursday in the Yale Daily News, swept across blogs and media outlets— including the Drudge Report, Fox News and The Washington Post—before Yale . . . . Continue Reading »

The Wisdom of David Martosko

David Martosko is with the food industry-financed Center for Consumer Freedom, aka PETA’s Worst Nightmare. David’s genius is that he is as edgy and committed to fighting animal rights as PETA is in advocating the ideology. (The Center created the “PETA Kills Animals” . . . . Continue Reading »

The Full Spectrum of Catholic Education

Kenneth Woodward, a contributing editor on religion for Newsweek , has an editorial in the New York Times on what Benedict might say on Catholic education tomorrow. One notes first that Mr. Woodward has added his name to the list of people who are eager to tell Benedict what he should be saying to . . . . Continue Reading »

SHS Funnies

Panel one: The front page of the PETA Chronicle:(Bad Reporter is a consistently funny political strip that runs three times a week in the SF Chronicle. Asmussen’s great riffs on current events takes on all sides and are consistently funny. Check it out here.)The Crocs continue to ignore the . . . . Continue Reading »



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