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Outlawing Genetic Discrimination

Well, this is long overdue. Congress overwhelmingly passed, and the president will sign, a bill outlawing genetic discrimination in employment and insurance. From the story:The bill passed with overwhelming support in the House on a 414-1 vote, a week after being approved by a 95-0 vote in the . . . . Continue Reading »

The Bonds of Community

Wheaton College, where I teach, does many wonderful things that go unnoticed by the world; we seem to draw a great deal of attention only when our administration lets a faculty member go. A few years ago, the dismissal of my friend Joshua Hochschild upon his embrace of Catholicism created quite a . . . . Continue Reading »

The Pope’s Too-Subtle Message to Iran

Iranian media have hailed the April 30 meeting between Pope Benedict XVI and Iranian clergy as a propaganda victory for the Islamic Republic. The meeting was the sixth in a regular series of encounters between Iranian clergy and the Holy See. The Iranian news agency carried the following item . . . . Continue Reading »

“Stuff Christians Like”

A knock-off on “Stuff White People Like” but this is pretty funny: Some highlights: . . . . Continue Reading »

More Hope: Clouds and Clarity

Fr. George Rutler is quite emphatic about it: We are not basking in the afterglow of the papal visit, we are basking in the pre -glow of it’s far-reaching impact. Benedict’s central message, that Christ is indeed our Hope, is just beginning to kindle in our Church and society. The flood . . . . Continue Reading »

"Pixie Dust" Regrows Severed Finger

I would be more comfortable about this tremendous potential advance in healing serious wounds if it were reported in a peer reviewed medical journal rather than the sensationalistic Daily “Halle Berry Shows She’s a REAL Mom as Dress Reveals Post Baby Tummy” Mail, but the story . . . . Continue Reading »

Seminarian Tsunami

“Quem queris? Whom do you seek?” No words pierce more deeply than those of Christ, spoken personally and uniquely to each soul, but in our noisy streets and noisy minds, it’s easy not to hear or notice. It is not as though Christ climbs a stage amid flag-waving fanfare, picks up a . . . . Continue Reading »



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