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One College That’s Getting It Right

I was stunned. I have been teaching college freshmen for about thirty years in big state institutions, elite conservatories, smallish private universities, and Christian colleges, and I’d never seen anything like it. Like many of us reading these pages, I was in the middle of that spring . . . . Continue Reading »

The Legality of Law

“What about the higher law, the law of love ?” So pleads the lesbian presidential speechwriter in David Mamet’s latest Broadway comedy, November . The waddling, squawking, lame-duck president is at his wits end. Clarice won’t give him the speech transcript that offers him a . . . . Continue Reading »

Exposing the "War on Science" Bunkum

Advocates for an “anything goes” scientific sector often claim that attempts to place reasonable ethical parameters around biotechnology—say by outlawing all human cloning as has been urged by the UN General Assembly—is a war on science or the imposition of religion. That . . . . Continue Reading »

No Human ESCR Trials per FDA

Geron Corporation has released a series of press releases over several years stating that “next year” it would start the first human trials using ES cells. Apparently, that won’t be happening yet. From the story: The F.D.A. convened a meeting April 10 of expert advisers who . . . . Continue Reading »


Over at the Weekly Standard ‘s website, they’ve posted online my column , from this week’s issue, about agenbites —the term I suggest we use for words that sound true of themselves. ” Verbose has always struck me as a strangely verbose word,” I note. ” Peppy . . . . Continue Reading »

Steven Pinker’s Stupid Tantrum

I just read a ridiculous screed by Steven Pinker in the New Republic that is beyond ludicrous. His primary purpose seems to be to attack Leon Kass, who agree or disagree with him, is a very serious thinker. A secondary point seems to be that the President’s Council on Bioethics is pushing a . . . . Continue Reading »



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