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Doesn’t Everyone Read Us?

On a blog nicely named Blog and Mablog , the blogger (and mablogger?) Douglas Wilson writes of the exchange in the new issue of First Things between Bishop N.T. Wright and Fr. Richard John Neuhaus. It’s an interesting comment from Wilson, but what caught our eye was the opening sentence, . . . . Continue Reading »

Carpe Vinum

If it’s not red, it’s not wine, says I—not only one of earth’s fine pleasures but also supposedly good for you. And now further evidence has come in demonstrating the virtues of vino rosso. From the story:Red wine may be much more potent than was thought in extending human . . . . Continue Reading »

NHS Meltdown: Let the Privitization Begin

Facing the collapse of the socialized NHS, reformers in the UK have apparently decided to contract some hospital care to the private sector. From the story: Private companies are to be drafted in to run failing NHS hospitals for the first time, under plans to be announced.Poor managers are to be . . . . Continue Reading »

Many Thanks to Guest Secondhand Smokers!

Secondhand Smokette and I have returned from our vacation cruise with the Secondhand Smoke’s In Laws. A good time was had by all, with an incredible visit to St. Petersburg, once known as Leningrad. Amazing.But before I move on, I want to express my most grateful thanks to Alex Schadenberg, . . . . Continue Reading »

Washington State Initiative I-1000

By Alex SchadenbergThe initiative to legalize assisted suicide in Washington State appears to be gaining ground.The Death With Dignity I-1000 campaign to legalize assisted suicide in Washington State has effectively raised one million dollars. They have organizations such as the leading assisted . . . . Continue Reading »



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