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Stop the Cherry Picking

Any health insurance reform that seeks to maintain a private system will have to stop the companies from cherry picking their applicants. Otherwise stories such as this will drive the American people into the arms of a single payer or other form of public health care system: When the Golden Rule . . . . Continue Reading »

Futile Care Case in Alaska?

This report is a bit vague but apparently there is a futile care case in Alaska with lawyers with the Alliance Defense Fund preventing the hospital from forcibly removing a patient from care. From the World Net Daily report: The Alaska Supreme Court has granted a motion sought by an attorney working . . . . Continue Reading »

More on the Ecumenical Front

Coming back to the office after the conference on ecclesial reconciliation at St. Vladimir’s, I came across two news stories on the topic. The National Catholic Register reports that Mar Bawai Soro, a bishop of the Assyrian Church of the East suspended for his views on the primacy of the . . . . Continue Reading »

Is Environmentalism Really a Religion?

It has become commonplace to say that environmentalism is a new religion. One reads it everywhere, from friends and foes alike. Typical is Nigel Lawson, former British Chancellor of the Exchequer, in his new book, An Appeal to Reason: A Cool Look at Global Warming : “The new religion of . . . . Continue Reading »

Too Much Faith in Faith?

Frequent First Things contributor Alan Jacobs has a piece in today’s Wall Street Journal , ” Too Much Faith in Faith .” It’s a provocative thesis—that Dawkins, Hitchens, Harris and all the other atheism-pushers uncritically attribute too large of a role to religion. . . . . Continue Reading »

Worrying About the "Bioethics Crisis."

An article has been published in the Chronicle of Higher Education (subscription required) entitled “Bioethics Crisis Looms Unless NIH Changes Course, Critics Warn,” byline Richard Monastersky. Bioethics crisis? Apparently, practitioners believe we need more bioethicists to tell us what . . . . Continue Reading »

Baltic Cruise Photos

I love taking photographs, and I took some nice ones (if I don’t say so myself) on my recent cruise. Here is a sampling:Jet lagged at 4 in the morning, I had a mirrored elevator all to myself. Fun ensued.Dawn on the Baltic.An Estonian convent destroyed by Ivan the TerribleSt. Petersburg: the . . . . Continue Reading »

Get Your Colonoscopy!

Bad news and good news—first the bad: A very close friend’s mother was diagnosed with colon cancer. But the very good news is that her disease was caught so early she won’t even need chemotherapy.Why? She had a colonoscopy! Had she not taken this life saving step, a few years down . . . . Continue Reading »



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