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Human Rights vs. Free Speech

We’ve mentioned the Mark Steyn case in the past, but today Rich Lowry posted an update on Real Clear Politics on its progress. For those who haven’t heard, our neighbors to the north have a system of Human Rights Commissions in which you can lodge a complaint against people who say . . . . Continue Reading »

The Cost of Being an “Activist” Church

Over the weekend, the Washington Post carried a piece about Washington’s National Cathedral. It seems that a few years ago the cathedral was given a $7 million bequest. The dean used the funds to expand all sorts of services, but now the money has run out, and new funding never materialized . . . . Continue Reading »

Friends with Benefits

While I liked Rick’s comments on the Mirror of Justice site, I was a little confused by Rob Vischer’s recent post . He comments on a Boston Globe article on recent pushes by academics to have the law recognize friendships: The article does not focus on the SSM debate, but this issue . . . . Continue Reading »

Catholics, Voting, and 2008

The discussions seem endless these days, but Rick Garnett’s comments on Doug Kmiec’s latest article are worth reading. A taste: That said, Doug’s column goes off course in a few places, I think. He writes: Given that abortion is an intrinsic evil without justification, thinking . . . . Continue Reading »

The Animal Research War

As regular readers of SHS know, I am appalled by the terroristic assault on intellectual freedom and the rule of law by animal rights thugs against medical researchers. Delusionally thinking themselves akin to Gandhi and Martin Luther King, these nihilists commit arson, burglary, theft, blackmail, . . . . Continue Reading »

Female "Pregnant Man" Continues PR Blitz

I can hear the sound of the cash register: The Brit tabloids—aided greatly by Drudge and a more than willing pregnant transsexual Thomans Beatie—continue the PR blitz of the female pregnant man who is soon to give birth (in only 4 weeks!!!). See the bare-skinned pictures!!! They want . . . . Continue Reading »



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