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Job Opening in Spain

Former First Things assistant editor John Rose has spent the past year living in Spain while working for a think-tank there. He’s headed to Duke Divinity School in the fall, and his employer is looking for a replacement. Young readers of First Things might want to consider applying: The . . . . Continue Reading »

Fr. Neuhaus on the Pope’s Visit

If you’re in New York today, you might want to attend the following public forum: “What Did Pope Benedict Say to America?” Fr. Richard J. Neuhaus (Editor in Chief, First Things) Fr. John Farren, OP (Director of Advancement, Dominican Province of St. Joseph) Angelo Mater (Publisher . . . . Continue Reading »

Re: Gay Rights vs. Religious Rights

I’m not sure that Jody is correct to say that “At this point, it appears the question isn’t whether same-sex marriage is going to be imposed on the nation by the courts—but how far the demand for acquiescence from the rest of us is going to be pushed.” The majority of . . . . Continue Reading »

Global Warming on the Stage

Opera is known for its ridiculous plots, but La Scala is taking it up a notch. According to the New York Times , they have commissioned the Italian composer Giorgio Battistelli to write an opera of Al Gore’s book An Inconvenient Truth . The Times’ John Tierney has a marvelous satire of . . . . Continue Reading »

Robert Miller Testifies, Part II

In a web article last week , I reproduced my testimony before the Appropriations Committee of the Pennsylvania Senate concerning S.B. 1250, a proposed amendment to the state constitution that would limit marriage to unions of one man and one woman. I argued that sooner or later someone will file a . . . . Continue Reading »

Gay Rights vs. Religious Rights

At this point, it appears the question isn’t whether same-sex marriage is going to be imposed on the nation by the courts—but how far the demand for acquiescence from the rest of us is going to be pushed. Will clergy who refuse to perform such marriages be punished? Will churches that . . . . Continue Reading »

More on Same Sex Marriage

Marc Stern, general counsel of the American Jewish Congress, has a good column in the L.A. Times today. He concludes: “If past rulings are any guide, it is religious rights that are likely to be “obliterated” by an emerging popular majority supporting same-sex relationships — . . . . Continue Reading »



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