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A Threshold That Could Not Be Any Lower

The University of Louisville had a contract with Duke University for a series of four football games over the course of a few years, but Duke pulled out of the series after the first game. Whereupon, Louisville sued for $450,000—pointing out, quite reasonably, that the contract between the . . . . Continue Reading »

NARAL Catholics Advising Obama

You are the Democratic candidate for president. You want to reach out to Catholics. So what do you do when the majority of the elected officials on your National Catholic Advisory Council have the seal of approval from NARAL Pro-Choice America? Bill McGurn explains in his Wall Street Journal . . . . Continue Reading »


Nathaniel Peters has a nice review as this week’s “Book of the Week” for Books and Culture . Here’s how John Wilson, the editor of B&C, describes it: Our current Book of the Week is Mystics , by William Harmless, reviewed by Nathaniel Peters, who commends it as a lucid guide . . . . Continue Reading »

Shame on Drudge for "Dwarf Pimp" Story

This is such a non story in the broader scheme of things, that there seems no reason for it to be spotlighted on the world’s premier news clearing house—the Drudge Report. A 15 year-old girl was apparently being pimped in New York. What a shock! It is awful, but alas, it—and far . . . . Continue Reading »

Thomas More, the Heart of the Matter

Yesterday we celebrated the feast of Sts. Thomas More and John Fisher, sixteenth-century English martyrs. I was reminded of this powerful passage from Robert Bolt’s play, A Man for All Seasons , the basis of the acclaimed film . Bolt, I think it interesting to add, was neither a Catholic nor . . . . Continue Reading »

Pew Forum’s Full Report

The Pew Forum has just released part II of its much-discussed US Religious Landscape Survey . The first report focused on religious affiliation, while the second stressed religious beliefs and practices, and social and political views. More commentary will follow in the coming weeks, but take a . . . . Continue Reading »

Ira Byock: "How to Die"

I did a radio show on WASU in Wisconsin this morning and we focused primarily on hospice care. The call-in response was strong: People were clearly interested and concerned.Then, when I checked my e-mail, I a link to a video about “how to die,” by my friend, the hospice physician and . . . . Continue Reading »

Contra Anti-Americanism

Fouad Ajami says in the Wall Street Journal that despite our many problems, and more polls showing how many people abroad dislike us, the promise of America still offers more freedom than any other place: “It is one thing to rail against the Pax Americana. But after the pollsters are gone, . . . . Continue Reading »



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