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The Wine Dark Sea

If I remember correctly, it was an Anglican, Bishop Ussher, who added up the ages of the patriarchs in the Old Testament to arrive at the astonishingly precise date of Creation: 4004 B.C.—September 21, 4004 B.C. The reading of ancient texts for clues about the calendar has a venerable . . . . Continue Reading »

Kelo Three Years Later

Three years ago, the Supreme Court handed down its atrocious Kelo decision, which allowed local governments to take private land if they believed it could be developed in a way advantageous to the local economy. Steven Malanga reviews the results on Real Clear Markets: Most Americans object to such . . . . Continue Reading »

Adult Stem Cells: The New Plastic Surgery?

A new article in Live Science predicts that adult stem cells may replace silicone breast implants and other contemporary plastic surgery techniques. But first, a crucial admission you once would never see in a science-oriented journal. From the story:Stem cells are cells that have the ability to . . . . Continue Reading »

Chant: Music for Paradise

“Deep within everyone’s heart, whether he knows it or not, is a yearning for supreme happiness and thus, ultimately, for God. Such a primordial human longing for completion is fulfilled by a monastery where the community gathers several times a day for the praise of God.” So said . . . . Continue Reading »

The Lolita Effect

The Washington Post has a review of The Lolita Effect , a book that focuses on the sexualization of young girls and asks what can be done about it. Based on the review, the book is solid when it comes to showing how this early sexualization hurts young girls and produces other social ills (child . . . . Continue Reading »



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