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Sharia Law in England

On Real Clear Politics, Cal Thomas writes that the Lord Chief Justice Lord Phillips of the United Kingdom has ruled that “Those entering into a contractual agreement can agree that the agreement shall be governed by a law other than English law.” And that includes the Islamic legal . . . . Continue Reading »

John Templeton, 1912–2008

The philanthropist Sir John Marks Templeton passed away today—a sad moment for all who benefited from his support and his ideas. Born in Tennessee, he attended Yale University and Oxford before becoming an enormously successful investor in world markets. Both his education in England and his . . . . Continue Reading »

Church of England to Church of Rome?

I leave most of the Anglican-watching, Anglican-speculating to Jordan Hylden, but here’s a story that was left out of yesterday’s post. Over the weekend, reports came that “senior” bishops from the C of E had met with Catholic officials about swimming the Tiber en masse. . . . . Continue Reading »

Thomas M. Disch, 1940–2008

Sadly, our friend Thomas M. Disch has passed away , and even more sadly, apparently by his own hand on the Fourth of July. The man could do anything involving words. He wrote award-winning science fiction such as Camp Concentration and (my favorite) the bleak volume The Genocides . He wrote a . . . . Continue Reading »



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