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Neuhaus on Kmiec

Fr. Neuhaus has penned a reply to Doug Kmiec on Catholic political obligations and pro-choice candidates. It’s in the National Catholic Register , but only available to subscribers. The Pro Ecclesia blog has posted some excerpts: . . . The question is that of justice for unborn children. When . . . . Continue Reading »

Tony Snow, R.I.P.

Some twins have to flip a coin—who gets mom and who gets dad for the graduation ceremony. Laura and I were blessed. When we both graduated from Catholic University in Washington, D.C. last year, the whole family was together, sitting in front of the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception . . . . Continue Reading »

Moving Toward Reproductive Cloning

Scientific American, an anything goes pro-cloning magazine, has two articles out dealing with the future of human cloning. The focus is on Ian Wilmut, who administered the team that cloned Dolly, who planned to pursue human SCNT cloning but then eschewed it in favor of iPSC research. The whole thing . . . . Continue Reading »

"Vegan is Murder"

As promised a few weeks ago, I have expanded upon my original thoughts about the killing of field animals in plant agriculture and how that impacts the “meat is murder” meme pushed by animal rights activists. It is published in today’s NRO. I describe how field animals are killed . . . . Continue Reading »

Following Lambeth

Bloggers and reporters innumerable are churning out reports and commentary on the ongoing Lambeth Conference, and I’ve been dutifully reading as much of it as I can stand. My job, you see, is to spend too much time on the Internet, so that you don’t have to. (At least, that’s how . . . . Continue Reading »

"Chimps Not Chumps"

I was on a radio show today and told about an op/ed piece in the NY Times by Steve Ross, who is involved with cognitive research of primates with the Lincoln Zoo, that, the host implied, seemed to go along with the ethics of the Great Ape Project. I hadn’t read it, so I thought I should check . . . . Continue Reading »

Trees of Terror

Our friend Alan Jacobs has a marvelous essay on trees in the new issue of Books & Culture —a fine, fun walk through the forests of dendrology, beginning in his own yard. Still, in his deep and peaceful reveries, Alan doesn’t seem to have mentioned quite all that needs to be said about . . . . Continue Reading »



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