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Signs for Jody

Jody noted some amusing mistranslations last week ( here and here ). Well, there are a lot more where they came from. John Derbyshire provides the best of ” Engrish .” (Note that according to our managing editor some of the spelling errors may offend our clientele.) So that’s what . . . . Continue Reading »

In the Shadow of Progress

Readers of First Things will thoroughly enjoy Eric Cohen’s new book, In the Shadow of Progress , released this month from Encounter Books. Last week, Leon Kass introduced the book at an event put on by The New Atlantis at the Ethics and Public Policy Center in Washington, DC (audio available . . . . Continue Reading »

Sign of the Times: Loss of Social Cohesion

Sunbathers in Italy continued to enjoy the beach despite two children having drowned and the bodies being just left on the sand. From the story:The bodies of two drowned Roma [often called Gypsies] children lay covered by towels on an Italian beach while holidaymakers carried on, unfazed enjoying . . . . Continue Reading »

Another Reason to Travel to Belgium

Here’s another reason to travel to Belgium, if the world’s best beer and chocolate weren’t enough to draw you there already: its beautiful, well-preserved beguinages . If feminism means a desire for independence from patriarchal authority, the beguines — a Roman Catholic laic . . . . Continue Reading »

Preaching Bishops

I’ve been doing some etymological research. Bishop , you might know, is a modernized version of the Old English bisceop , derived from the Latin episcopus , which comes from the Greek episkopos . And epi-skopos means “one who watches over.” Not surprisingly, this wasn’t a . . . . Continue Reading »

The Dark Knight

Yesterday, Thomas Hibbs gave a praising review of Christopher Nolan’s latest achievement , The Dark Knight here on the First Things website: With the record-setting release of The Dark Knight , his sequel to Batman Begins , Christopher Nolan . . . stakes his claim to be our most inventive and . . . . Continue Reading »

Neuhaus on Anti-Catholicism

Continuing in my role as RJN’s press secretary, readers might be interested in this write-up on the Anti-Catholicism panel. The New York Times “City Room” blog reports : Experts say that anti-Catholic sentiment — much of it originating in, or as a response to, immigrants in . . . . Continue Reading »

Chicken Slaughter in School?

My “vegan is murder” piece stimulated a lot of interest. One correspondent alerted me to a controversy in Canandaigua, N.Y. Apparently, the Canandaigua Academy’s “chicken project” has, in the past, had a class of students each year raising chickens and then slaughtering . . . . Continue Reading »



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