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Animal Researcher on the Air

Our friend P. Michael Conn, Associate Director and Senior Scientist of the Oregon National Primate Research Center, was interviewed on the radio about his fine book The Animal Research War. (Before the interview begins, the hosts discuss the best time to eat sushi and the genetic makeup and . . . . Continue Reading »

A Bit of Legal Humor

The Volokh Conspiracy highlights a funny passage from Morse v. State on the use of big words in legal proceedings: As to the other objection — that the language is abstractly incorrect — if incorrectness from a legal standpoint is intended, the objection may be disposed of by citing . . . . Continue Reading »

Alzheimer’s Breakthorugh Treatment?

People suffering early and moderate Alzheimer’s have great reason for hope today as a new medication appears to materially impact of the disease in Stage II human trials. From the story:Millions of Alzheimer’s sufferers have been given fresh hope after a new generation of drugs were . . . . Continue Reading »

The Martian Chronicles, 5

What’s going on over at Popular Mechanics ? First, the magazine rains on the idea of using the international space station as an interplanetary vehicle (an idea I had applauded ). Then, on the unveiling of Richard Branson’s much-ballyhooed space-tourism plane, the magazine runs a . . . . Continue Reading »

Levant’s Testimony before the HRC

We’ve mentioned the Canadian Human Rights commissions before on our blog, and the most recent issue of First Things has an article on the topic by Douglass Farrow called ” Kangaroo Canada ” (subscription required). But today I discovered videos of testimony Ezra Levant gave before . . . . Continue Reading »

Math + Women = ?

I used to enjoy reading the journal of the Association of Women in Mathematics. Then Lawrence Summers happened. The valiant female mathematicians weren’t really discouraged, but they were angry. Angry and vocal, filling the editorials of the next couple years’ worth of issues with their . . . . Continue Reading »



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