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De Manlitate

If you share my self-indulgent love of conservative Jeremiads, you have probably happened upon quite a few books and articles deploring the unmanliness of postmodern men. It seems to me that there is considerable justice in these complaints, but their authors tend to have little concrete advice on . . . . Continue Reading »

Faith at the Edge

The book Faith at the Edge: A New Generation of Catholic Writers reflects on Life, Love, Sex and Other Mysteries landed on my desk last week, and I’ve hardly put it down since. The book is a collection of short essays, some only a few pages long, which were originally written for the online . . . . Continue Reading »

“Do As You Done in Milledgeville”

Here at First Things we all seem to have a special place in our hearts for Flannery O’Connor. Her stories and letters powerfully illustrate some of life’s most profound truths. From reflections on the frailty and brevity of our time here on earth, to anecdotes on the transforming power . . . . Continue Reading »

Sin Boldly

From the Westminster Shorter Catechism : Q. 14. What is sin? A. Sin is any want of conformity unto, or transgression of, the law of God. From the Baltimore Catechism : Q. 278. What is actual sin? A. Actual sin is any willful thought, word, deed, or omission contrary to the law of God. From Senator . . . . Continue Reading »

A Letter from Georgia

This letter came to me from David Akhviediani, a Georgian student I met in Kraków last month: Dear friends! The aim of this email is to raise the awareness of those crimes that are currently being conducted by Russian occupants in Georgia. Russian troops are continuing illegal occupation of . . . . Continue Reading »

Declaring a "Right to Suicide"

I have become so sick and tired of the baloney that swirls around assisted suicide advocacy like gruel in a blender. Assisted suicide is not really about the rare case when nothing else can be done to alleviate suffering—which has not been the case yet in any legalized jurisdiction from the . . . . Continue Reading »



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