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Beyond Cheerleading

I’ll admit I was perplexed at James Panero’s account of the Classical Realist painter Jacob Collins , back in September 2006. Do not renewal movements in art need as many friends as they can get? But Panero’s assessment is now much clearer to me, for with his new review (in the . . . . Continue Reading »

The Throwback

Last night, Ramesh Ponnuru made the interesting suggestion that Joseph Biden, the Democrats’ likely vice-presidential nominee, might never have been much of a pro-lifer. Yes, the senator from Delaware done some flip-flopping on related issues: “Years after supporting an amendment that . . . . Continue Reading »

Abandoning the Frightened and Depressed

A story just published in the UK’s Guardian is a diary account of the euthanasia death of Mieneke Weide-Boelkes, a woman with brain cancer, written by her son Marc Weide, who made it public. As such, and because it is so awful, it seemed to me that public comment is warranted. The story of . . . . Continue Reading »

Immigration: The American Difference

There is no question that illegal immigration into the United States is a serious problem, but looking at Western Europe, where the massive influx of even fully legal immigrants has raised great difficulties, helps put that problem in perspective. One of the most nuanced treatments of the topic is . . . . Continue Reading »


TEAL is the Typo Eradification Advancement League. If you ever hear that our former managing editor, Anthony Sacramone, and I got banned from the National Park System for a year, I hope it’s for correcting the grammar of signs . . . . . Continue Reading »

Pluripotent Stem Cells From Wisdom Teeth?

Spending the money and scientific talent to perfect human cloning (SCNT) is becoming very hard to justify—if that is, all that is wanted are tailor made, patient specific stem cells for study of diseases and/or eventual therapeutic purposes. (Of course, therapeutic cloning is not the real . . . . Continue Reading »

The Science of Stars

Here’s a story to give that science oriented part of your brain a real workout. Scientists in Japan and the United States have finished eight years of work on a computer model that simulates the formation of stars. The results of the study were published this month in the journal Science . . . . . Continue Reading »

I Am Not a Chimp—And Neither Are You

As promised, I have a more extended piece up at the Weekly Standard Website demonstrating that the case for granting equal rights to chimpanzees with humans is not justified scientifically. First, I describe the ideological agenda behind the effort to reduce humans to the status of apes. From my . . . . Continue Reading »



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