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Dante for the Day

Nathaniel’s nice reflection on Thomas Becket this morning put me in a medieval mood. While Dante also had plenty to say about those who are anathema , the following poem is decidedly more romantic: Love and the gentle heart are one thing, just as the poet says in his verse, each from the . . . . Continue Reading »

Lessons from Thomas Becket

Last night I watched Becket , the 1964 film with Richard Burton and Peter O’Toole about the relationship between Thomas Becket and Henry II—the famous friendship that ended in assassination. The performances were superb, and the script was surprisingly rich. But the portrayal of Becket . . . . Continue Reading »

The “Beauty of Holiness”?

OK, I understand the desire to make the consecrated life look attractive, but a religious sisters’ beauty pageant is going too far. There couldn’t be much harm in, say, profiling young and joyful nuns, but surely a beauty contest , no matter how modest and unobjectionable the operative . . . . Continue Reading »

A Saint for Every Occasion

Got a headache? Earache? A bum knee? If so, this article might be of use to you. A couple weeks ago, the Times of London ran an online article called “Top 50 Saints for Sickness.” It’s a fun little who’s who list of saints to ask for a little intercessory help when you . . . . Continue Reading »

Bring Back the Tug-of-War!

As baseball and softball end their brief terms as Olympic sports, The Economist provides a collection of other events that have been discontinued. Those who felt a stirring in their hearts for tug-of-war, live pigeon shooting, or swimming obstacle courses, start your petitions to the IOC now. . . . . Continue Reading »



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