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The Harsh Values of Health Care Rationing

The Oregonian is trying to defend the Oregon Medicaid rationing scheme and its offer to pay for the assisted suicides of patients for whom it denied life-extending chemotherapy. The idea behind the Oregon scheme was to expand coverage to people who were not the poorest of the poor, but at the cost . . . . Continue Reading »

“Is This God, Or Is This an Ogre?”

The Democrats didn’t invite Archbishop Charles Chaput to their convention in Denver this year, for understandable reasons . Instead, they invited Sr. Helen Prejean C.S.J. to speak at their interfaith gathering. If they were trying to avoid controversy and shore up support from religious party . . . . Continue Reading »

The Manuscript is Turned In!

Finally. It was several years in the making, but I have just electronically turned in my manuscript of the animal rights book to the publisher. It came in at between 90,000 and 100,000 words, not surprising given that “short-winded” is not exactly my strong suit.I can’t tell you . . . . Continue Reading »

A Turn for the Oral—and Orwell

The other day while reading Orwell’s essay “Politics and the English Language,” I came across the following passage: As I have tried to show, modern writing at its worst does not consist in picking out words for the sake of their meaning and inventing images in order to make the . . . . Continue Reading »

"Stunning" Adult Stem Cell Success

When the MSM declares an adult stem cell success “stunning,” as the Washington Post headline does, you know it is a new day. In mice, scientists were able to transform adult cells into stem cells—from within the body! From the story: Scientists have transformed one type of fully . . . . Continue Reading »

I Hadn’t Heard He Was a Vampire

If you’re at all sick of non-stop political reporting on the election, here’s the perfect antidote: Dave Barry is reporting daily from the Democratic National Convention in Denver. His pieces for August 24 , 25 , and 26 are currently on the Miami Herald’s website, with more to . . . . Continue Reading »

St. Thomas More’s Advice to Bloggers

An excerpt from a letter of St. Thomas More to Erasmus, written on the 14th of June, 1532: Congratulations, then, my dear Erasmus, on your outstanding virtuous qualities; however, if on occasion some good person is unsettled and disturbed by some point, even without making a sufficiently serious . . . . Continue Reading »

Pelosi Pinned By Bishops

This past Sunday on Meet the Press , Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi claimed that, having studied the matter carefully as a “fervent, practicing” Catholic, she had learned that doctors of the Church have historically had no fixed position on when human life begins; therefore, one . . . . Continue Reading »



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