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Election Anger

The argument is being made that the Palin grandchild shifts the election from the economy and the war, two grounds on which Republicans are losing in public polls, to cultural issues, the one ground on which the Republicans are winning. Maybe—though surely it’s an odd moment when an . . . . Continue Reading »

The "Obama Straddle" on Assisted Suicide

As the election progresses, I will attempt to present the positions of the candidates on issues germane to human exceptionalism, assisted suicide, animal rights, health care rationing, in short, all of the grist we grind here at SHS.This morning, I did a quick search on Obama and assisted suicide . . . . Continue Reading »

The Politics of Blood

Film-maker Michael Moore has apparently praised the gulf weather for its chance of disrupting the Republican convention: “This hurricane is proof that there is a god in heaven.” Another low point in politics, though possibly one that could be passed off with a laugh—a partisan . . . . Continue Reading »

Others Taunt Me

Actually, Amanda, I think I said those lines from Robert Frost were hendecasyllabics , not hexameters . Or I may have misspoken. Regardless, hendecasyllabic they are, the eleven-syllable line passing into English ultimately from Latin. Here, for example is the meter of Horace’s alcaic stanza . . . . Continue Reading »

The Dead Rot Because the Living Are Rotten

Last night I saw The Lion in Winter , the movie about Henry II, Eleanor of Aquitaine, and their three sons gathered together for the Christmas holidays. The threats, the manipulation, the backbiting—imagine if George and Martha had had three children, and crowns. One line of dialogue struck me . . . . Continue Reading »

Palin: A Nervous Joy

Sarah Palin was a nervy choice for John McCain’s vice-presidential nominee, and— nervy being right on the edge of the nerves—it makes me edgy. Palin has a lot of possibilities, which is another way of saying that the public’s perception of her could break either way. There is . . . . Continue Reading »



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