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Choosing Dignity, Choosing Choice

The 2008 Republican Platform was released by the RNC earlier this week, and it’s well worth skimming alongside the Democratic Platform for Change . Following are a few highlights on the life issues. “Maintaining The Sanctity and Dignity of Human Life,” one section is titled in the . . . . Continue Reading »

Cardinal Dulles at 90

Those who are wondering about the state of our long-time contributor Avery Cardinal Dulles might enjoy this update on his 90th birthday party from Rocco Palmo at Whispers in the Loggia . The upshot is that the cardinal is greatly incapacitated, so please keep him in your prayers. . . . . Continue Reading »

Last Minute Sales

From a religious publisher, an email just arrived urging me to take advantage of a sale on “End Times Books.” Why are they so heavily discounted? What does the publisher know that the rest of us don’t? The whole thing makes me a little nervous. . . . . Continue Reading »

The Party Faithful

In the latest issue of the New Yorker , Peter J. Boyer weighs in on the importance of religious voters in the upcoming presidential election and the difficulties both parties are having connecting to that crucial segment of the electorate. The article, while not entirely impartial, does an . . . . Continue Reading »

Like Water to a Duck

I enjoy Clive James, but in a recent issue of Times Literary Supplement , he casually remarks that the composer Arnold Schoenberg “actually had to concentrate quite hard to stay unpopular.” No, man, let’s not start thinking down that road. Unpopularity came as naturally to . . . . Continue Reading »

Confessions of a History Major

Ibn Khaldûn is the Muslim theologian and scholar who in 1377 wrote the Muqaddimah , the world’s earliest critical study of history. In his epic work, Ibn Khaldûn never balks at giving the study of history respect and praise: It should be known that history is a . . . . Continue Reading »

True Women’s Lib

Christina Hoff Sommers at the American Enterprise Institute has an interesting essay on recovering a truly liberating feminism (via Arts & Letters Daily ). A sample: That is an understandable but unwarranted reaction. Women in the West did form a movement and did liberate themselves in ways of . . . . Continue Reading »

Loving You

She starred alongside Elvis Presley as the stunning teenage beauty in Loving You , and then again in King Creole , at the beginning of her short but phenomenal acting career. “Elvis was such a sweet, personable young man. He would always call me Miss Dolores. The only other persons who called . . . . Continue Reading »

To Prevent Suicide: Keep in Touch

This makes so much sense. According to the World Health Organization, keeping in touch with suicidal people after they were initially treated, saves lives. From the story: In its latest bulletin, the U.N. agency said 85 percent of suicide attempts took place in developing countries. Worldwide, it . . . . Continue Reading »

The Spirit of Traditional Morality

Joseph Bottum wrote : “though surely it’s an odd moment when an out-of-wedlock pregnancy becomes a symbol of conservative cultural values, but chalk it all up as yet another way in which abortion has skewed the natural divisions of American politics.” I beg to differ. The issue is . . . . Continue Reading »



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