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Invisible Pregnancies

I find Will Saletan’s statistical analysis cum speculation on the probability that other political daughters have been pregnant out of wedlock a bit offputting. Some things should be private. But he does make a good point along the way: Is Sarah Palin the first nominee on a major-party . . . . Continue Reading »

Sparknotes Prosody

A clever overview, by Samuel Taylor Coleridge, of last week’s poetry lesson . These amusingly mimetic lines are from ” Metrical Feet, a Lesson for a Boy “: Trochee trips from long to short; / v / v / v / From long to long in solemn sort. v / v / v / v / Slow Spondee stalks, strong . . . . Continue Reading »

McCain & Abortion

One reference to a “culture of life,” buried in a laundry list in the twenty-fifth paragraph? That’s it in John McCain’s acceptance speech ? The sole mention of abortion in the combined hour and a half of oratory from the two Republican nominees over the last two nights? . . . . Continue Reading »

Ingrid Betancourt and the Pope

The Times Online reports on Ingrid Betancourt’s recent meeting with the pope. Apparently Ms. Betancourt had been a rather lukewarm Catholic, but experienced a tremendous deepening of her faith during the last six years she spent in captivity in the Columbian jungle, praying the Rosary and . . . . Continue Reading »

More on "Why They Hate (and Love) Her"

I continue to be interested in our discussion about Governor Sarah Palin and why she generates such strong emotions. Before the extent of her effect became clear, I wrote:As I ponder all of this, I think McCain/Palin versus Obama/Biden vividly reflects the cultural divisions that are tearing our . . . . Continue Reading »

Why They Hate Her

There are reasonable criticisms that can be made of Sarah Palin, both as governor and a vice presidential selection. Yet little of what we have seen in the last six days has been either reasonable or critical (in the traditional sense of the word). Instead, much of the left and many in the media . . . . Continue Reading »

On Politics from the Pulpit

The Pew Research Center for the People and the Press published the results of a survey last week suggesting that “a narrow majority of the public [believes] that churches and other houses of worship should keep out of political matters and not express their views on day-to-day social and . . . . Continue Reading »



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