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Sleep Tight, Europe

The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung reports that the Swedes have been working hard for two years developing the world’s best mattress. Apparently, this dream factory will put you back 51,000 Euros. Sadly, however, getting a good night’s sleep won’t keep all of Europe’s . . . . Continue Reading »

Revisiting the Novel

A few days ago our editor, Joseph Bottum, observed with a shake of his head that none of the many Junior Fellows at First Things in recent years reads novels with any regularity. I had to confess I was no exception, thus perfecting his despair. “The dominant Western literary form for the past . . . . Continue Reading »

Poems from Arab Andalusia

Back in college I took a class on medieval Spain. The professor, one of my favorites, always emphasized the fact that, when you look the history of the Iberian Peninsula, you shouldn’t just see a series of battles or conflicts but rather an amalgamation of cultures, traditions, and peoples. . . . . Continue Reading »

Two Mules for Sister Sarah

My friend Manolo the Shoeblogger has, of course, some advice for a woman in need of shoes today: Dear Manolo, I’m a small town girl with big time dreams, who has just been given the job of a lifetime. The next eight weeks will be super demanding and I’ll be in the limelight a lot . . . . . . . Continue Reading »

RE: McCain & Abortion

Despite Jody’s observations , I think McCain was absolutely right not to spend a lot time talking about abortion and related issues in his acceptance speech. Consider: (a) You’ve got to get possession of the bully pulpit before giving the sermons. (b) Those on both sides for whom the . . . . Continue Reading »

RE: Why They Hate Her

Some friends have written in to ask whether or not it’s hyperbolic to suggest that the left “hates” Sarah Palin, as I suggested yesterday . As an additional data point, I offer this essay from Salon . The author begins by repeating the smear that Trig Palin is not the . . . . Continue Reading »



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